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Basket Random is a fun sports game with random gameplay. Control basketball players to win the ball and score points when throwing the ball into the basket.

The gameplay of Basket Random

With random physics, the game brings you very interesting experiences. Like normal basketball matches, there will be two teams competing against each other. You will control your team's players to fight at the same time. Grab the ball and try to throw it into the basket to score points. Both sides fight like crazy, random jumps in the air help you win the ball. The team that scores enough points first will win.

The appeal of the game's gameplay is its unpredictable randomness. Messy jumps combined with throws that break the rules of game physics will bring interesting surprises.

How to control: Use the W key or up arrow key to control the player.

Interesting basketball matches

Game mode

The game has two extremely attractive game modes. One-player mode and two-player mode. In single-player mode, you will only control your team to fight the other side. On the contrary, in 2-player mode, you can participate in combat with your friends. Each person will control a team and fight with each other. Interestingly, this random game will bring you fun and relaxing experiences.

Diverse arena

When playing, every time you hit the ball into the basket, you will be transferred to a different field. Where there are different costumes and physical mechanisms. This variety will give you enjoyment when playing. At each change of court, there will be different changes, such as the size of the net or the scene on the field. Use your strategy to win the ball and score points so you can explore more locations.

Featured in the game

Levels and physics rules change randomly.

Can play with friends.

Basketball game with interesting twists.

The oddity of the player's bounces.